Monday, 15 December 2014

Review ~ Driving Home for Christmas by A.L. Michael

Driving Home for ChristmaseARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Release Date: October 28th 2014

Publisher: Carina UK

Megan McAllister is home for Christmas…whether she likes it or not!

Christmas is about family…and for Megan family means two people: herself, and her daughter Skye. It doesn’t mean her parents who, ten years ago, saw her pregnancy as anything but a miracle. And it definitely doesn’t include her irresistible ex-boyfriend Lucas Bright.

So ‘Driving Home for Christmas’ has never been top of Megan’s festive playlist. But for Skye, she knows she needs to spend the holiday season with the people she’s left behind. She can do this. Even if the thought of meeting Lucas under the mistletoe still has her feeling like she’s drunk one-too-many Snowballs!

But somewhere between the hanging of stockings and the crackle of wrapping paper, Christmas starts to sparkle. And Megan begins to wonder if family could be bigger than her and Skye after all…

My Opinion

First of all I have a bone to pick with whoever came up with this title. I've had this book on my Kindle since October and every time I've loaded it to read another book, I've seen this one and ended up singing the Christmas song for the rest of the day! Finally I can archive it so I don't have it stuck in my head. However saying that, it might need to stay on there a little longer because it was a great Christmas read that I might have to pull out again before the 25th. I didn't think I was going to enjoy it from the slow start but I'm glad I stuck with it.

Driving Home For Christmas is just one of those books that makes you feel good. It's a read that keeps a smile on your face--most of the time--and the characters are adorable, especially Skye. I'm not normally a fan on kids in books, but she was unbelievably cute and I loved her meddling.

Similarly, I loved how things developed and Megan grew to become more trusting. Lucas was great at getting her to open up eventually and the story of how their relationship evolved was interesting and engaging. I also liked the memory/flashback sections that have snippets of the past and what had happened. They gave a deeper insight into why things had happened the way they did so you could really sympathise for Megan.

The only thing I wasn't so keen on was the ending (the chapter before the epilogue). It was a bit sudden for me even if the epilogue ends it nicely.

Overall this was a great read that I didn't expect to fall in love with as much as I did. There is a bit of a slow, jumbled start but it's well worth sticking with.


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