Sunday 2 June 2013

Book Spotlight - Sanacion: The Black Hole Mission by Mary Louise Davie

Sanacion: The Black Hole MissionSanacion: The Black Hole Mission


Oxygen is depleted on the now-polluted planet Earth, and the people of the world have come to the ultimate realization that the survival of mankind is only possible if they find a new home. And not just a new home-but, a new planet.
Nature's response to the unilateral taking of its resources and giving back unwanted pollutants has resulted in an uninhabitable, poisoned world. Now, in 2265, people are required to wear oxygen masks and protective outer clothing. Now, with so many individual things having gone wrong, any attempt to repair the earth's environment is faced with the difficulty of simply knowing where to begin. From the climate shifts that have northern America facing a mini-ice age and Europe becoming a desert, to the magnetic pole reversals, the greenhouse gases and intensive atmospheric changes make the earth the harsh environment people now know.
The nations of the world are declaring a moratorium on war, and they're working together at a moon base, building three space ships using three different technologies. Three ships with three different modes of travel are scheduled to embark on a search for a new terrestrial home in the hope that one will find a habitable planet and mankind will survive. One huge ship, the Sanacion, has the most difficult mission of the three: to travel down the black hole V4641 and blow a hole in the vortex wall using a bomb made from star material.
As the shuttles travel from planet Earth and make the trip to the lunar site, solar flares, destructive tornados, and other weather events devastate the moon base. Sanacion is forced to depart the base sooner than planned, and begins its mission with one strike already against it.
With a population of several-hundred-thousand civilians and military personnel, Sanacion embarks on a quest to find a new home for mankind. During the voyage conflicts arise, and a battle between the civilian leadership and the military command for control of the mission results in a fight for Sanacion's very survival. With everything testing their resolve, what will happen when they must face the black hole? Will mankind's arrogance doom the mission and simply trade one hell for another?

Buy Link: Barnes and Noble

About the Author
Mary Louise Davie is a lifelong writer, most widely known as a poet and songwriter. An amateur astronomer with background in science and an interest in theoretical physics. She spends many a night searching the sky through her telescope. Mary grew up in Union County, New Jersey and now lives in rural West Milford.

twitter: @MaryLouiseDavie

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