Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Book Spotlight - The Last Prospector by Cairn Rodrigues

The Last ProspectorThe Last Prospector

Questions surround the Prospector with every step he takes. Why did the shadowy Boss sire the first Prospector a thousand years ago? What nameless treasure has the unbroken line of brothers been searching for? And how many years must he spend looking? He knows that he is the last Prospector, the last man to be handed the title and mission of the Brotherhood. He is destined to find that treasure, but what happens when he does? Solstice is abundant with natural wonders, it’s a place where magicks are mundane and the improbable is likely. Once it was the playground of warring twin goddesses and now powerful factions make the rules amid the rumors of a prophecy child being born. Ancient enemies begin a fresh rise to dominance and dreamers wake up all across the land as everyone tries to claim the orphan child. A scared nomad boy leaves his family to keep the baby safe, Tonyo knows that the goddesses gave him special gifts but he doesn’t know why. Together, Prospector and Tonyo travel the tiers, taking the first steps of an epic journey that is the final War between the Twins. A victor must be decided this time. The Last Prospector is the first book of the Song of Solstice series. Explore the tiers of Solstice and meet the travellers whose roads all intersect as they fulfill their missions. Enjoy the natural wonders like the light stealers that glow at night in a multitude of shapes and colors. Have some ale and stay to sup, because in Solstice travellers are always welcome.

Buy Link: Amazon

About the Author
Cairn Rodrigues was born in 1964 and is a native of Sacramento, California. She attended the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco and went on to become chef and owner of the Café 455 in Sacramento. Now retired from professional cooking, Cairn has channeled her lifetime love of fantasy and science fiction in all mediums into writing the fantasy book series The Song of Solstice. She also authors two blogs, The Light Stealers Song about the experiences of writing and self publishing, and Spoon!, a collection of essays about all things food. Cairn and her husband have two grown children and live in West Sacramento with a big, red dog. 


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